What I need to learn in Term 3?
1. I need to do long division faster and correctly.
2. I also need to learn decimals.
3. I really need to know my times tables off by heart.
4. I need to solve division problems using different strategies.
1. I have to learn to read more higher complicated texts.
2. I have to read with expression confidently.
3. I need to improve my reading comprehension.
1. I have to use more descriptive words to make my story more interesting
2. I have to be able to edit my writing well.
1. I have to try to spell more difficult words confidently.
3. I need to improve my spelling.
1. I need to find more information about what we are doing in class..
2. I need to improve my researching skills.
What makes me want to learn in class.
1. I can listen in class when it is quiet and when the teacher speaks loud and clearly.
2. When we learn about a topic I like.
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